Believing for Healing

Understanding and wisdom

Many people have said, “I tried it and it didn’t work”; even while believing God for their healing. If you read and meditate on what God said to my husband on what our role is and what His role is; you can see where the difference lies; and where the beginning of wisdom and understanding of Him and His Word needs to be; while we are believing for Healing.

Prophecy given to Mike Helmick (my husband).

“Never go against physical conditions using physical means. Let Me take care of the physical for this is wisdom. Speaking is also action and faith always brings Me on the scene. For as you believed and spoke according to My Word; so shall it always be done. 

Rest in Me for I watch My Word to perform it. My Word sustains the physical. Stand and speak My Word and My Word will always change it. Act on what you believe. For you never believe past what you know or understand. Trying to believe for something you have no knowledge of faith for, is not wisdom. Let Me teach you by seeking diligently in My Word that what you desire to come true, for there is nothing too hard for Me. A strong  foundation brings greater results. Many act on what they just have heard without foundation. This is foolishness.

Studying God’s Word

The enemy has many ways to shake a weak foundation, so speak what you know while seeking to add to your foundation. I will sustain you through. I will never fail you.

Many seek immediate results without foundation, but they can’t believe past what they have allowed Me to reveal to them. This is head knowledge. They never spend the time with Me to make it heart knowledge which only I can give. 

Does the sun come up? Yes, this is fact and who doubts? Are you healed? Yes, this is fact; For the Word I spoke set that sun. Just as I said; you are healed. Let Me reveal this to you. I am found in My Word”.

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Start where you’re at

What are you believing for today?

God wants all people to believe Him for their healing; therefore, start where you are at and allow God to reveal Himself to you. Do this by pressing into His Word and allow His Word to reveal His Love. Because healing is on His heart and mind and He is waiting for you to believe Him for your healing and allow Him to heal you.  Much Love and Prayers. Carol Helmick.

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