
Here is another letter Abel S. wrote in on 1/22/2019, @6:33 PM
Hello! I feel like I need to say something about crying…(and I think that it’s just for you, as in Carol and Mike, or just Carol; whoever is reading; as in not the youtube, but if you feel like God wants you to share, who am I to say no).


It’s been a few days now, (maybe a few weeks) that I’ve been feeling sad; and I’ve been feeling like David, when he said, where are you, my God? I would go to school, and just feel like I’m going into my defeat again. As I said in the first email I sent, I met with a brother, and we prayed for a while for the friends from school (because I haven’t been seeing fruit for the labor, and I know that we shouldn’t get weary of doing good, because the fruit will come in due season) and as we were asking God for revelation (as far as what to do).


God revealed to my brother that I was being like a light that was blinking on and off. And that is a very good revelation, because that is exactly how I felt school. Sometimes I had hope for my schoolmates, and other times, I felt like all the labor is going to waste.

Anyways, so a few days later, God told me to go to a mountain to see the city from above. So I went up, and as I was looking down into the city, I felt grossness, sadness, disgust, and I really didn’t want to go back into the city, because of the wickedness, darkness, sadness, and what feels like hopelessness. But as I was feeling this, God revealed that I was acting like Jonah towards Nineveh. And God let me know that just as Nineveh, God will forgive and turn the city (Barcelona) upside down.

So I went home, and was glad that God would do that for the people, and for me too. But later, this last weekend, I became very sad, because I was thinking about some brothers, and how they are in a bad situation, and I was crying a lot, because I felt like David, like I know that you’ll answer, but right now I just need you, and I need you to listen to me and bless me; (like when Jacob wouldn’t let Jesus go until he blessed him) or like Daniel 9:19. And on Sunday, I got back from the church that I’m leaving, and I felt even worse, but God spoke to me, saying: now you won’t cry for you, you will cry for them. And this is a joy…


What I got out of that, is that now, I won’t cry for my own sufferings, but I will cry to God for my brother’s sufferings, and since He listened to my cry to help, I know that He will answer when I ask Him for other people. (In theory, I already knew all this was true, but it is soo beautiful when God Himself says: this applies to you also) Anyways, I am saying a lot, but basically, Jesus cried for Lazarus, not because he feared that God might not raise him up from the dead, but rather, because he groaned in spirit, to sympathize with Mary and Martha, and I don’t know why else, but I understand. Anyways, Jesus said a few times: don’t let your heart be troubled, but Jesus’ soul and spirit were troubled a few times.

So I realized that it is good to cry out of love when your spirit groans within you, or when your soul thirsts for God; but it is explicitly not good when you cry from the heart, because then your hope is gone. I hope it blessed you. Also, brothers and sisters should rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep, but as Jesus said, even in your crying, don’t let the heart faint.
Blessings from God!

Click to read another letter Abel wrote in

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