Faith over Fear

Allpeoplefreepeople wrote this Testimony in about him taking a stand of “Faith over Fear”. (You can find this comment on Mikes channel from the video: Always Pray. You pray for you and others) • Streamed live on Nov 7, 2019)

Work has been requiring my full attention this week so I’ve been watching in the evenings when I get home…
I miss chat but now just shout out my Amen’s and Hallelujah’s audibly rather than typing them… I appreciate how you treat others. Mike… I appreciate what you do for others and I appreciate that you strengthened my Faith at a time when my Faith was shaken… Thankful that my finding this ministry was no accident, but a gift from our Heavenly Father… Ask me about how that happened in private sometime… :0)

I struggle sharing things about myself. Probably because there’s still things about me I’m ashamed of…
For now I’ll start with the easy stuff… perhaps trivial… perhaps not… My Great Grandfather was born on July 31st…. My father was born on July 31…. My Pastor was born on July 31st…. Me??……. I was born on July 30th…. (Clovis New Mexico, 1966 in case you were curious).

Okay… One More…. slightly less trivial… During the Faith over Fear series…

We were having a problem on our property… A bear was getting into our garbage cans, so I secured them… he then proceeded to break the door on the chicken coup and got some of our chickens… we secured the door better but a few nights later the bear returned and this time ripped a hole in the side of the coop and got more chickens… at this point I hadn’t seen the bear but knew he had to be pretty good size to be able to tear the coop up the way he did….

A couple of days later I’m in the shop, stripping wire and my dog starts barking… I go out to make sure the dog isn’t barking at a bicyclist… (it’s broad daylight) and as I leave the shop and head towards the house a full-grown grizzly bear comes out of the woods… It’s not uncommon to see the tail end of a black bear around here as they scamper away; but a grizzly bear is a rare sight, and the first one I’ve ever seen out of captivity… He’s about ten yards in front of me, and my dog is about two yards beyond him… He’s looking as if he’s about to start attacking my aging Golden Retriever, Lincoln…


Without thinking, I say in a firm tone; “You leave my dog alone Bear!!”… “I command you in the name of Jesus”… He turns his attention away from Lincoln and looks at me and in the same instant I’m thinking “Wow!!… That sounded just like something Mike Helmick would say”… Our eyes lock… my heart skips a beat…I contemplate my chances of making it back to the shop and decide against it… I regain my Faith… Lincoln circles around and places himself on my side of the grizzly and I say…. “You stop eating my chickens, bear…”” You stay out of my Garbage”… (a garbage farmer is very protective of his garbage) …

Then, gaining more confidence I say, “It is written…I have dominion over you, bear” …. “You get out of my yard and don’t come back” as I’m saying this my dog is advancing on the bear and I’m advancing behind my dog… The bear…sensing no fear, and outnumbered, walks slowly towards the woods by the creek and we follow him at a “safe”(if there is such a thing) distance till he disappears over the ridge behind my property… To this day the bear hasn’t returned…. Post note…. I do wonder how different the results would have been, had I decided to give into fear and run for the garage…. Perhaps nothing… Then again…. Perhaps I was saved by Faith…

Link to (video 1: Enduring. Faith or Fear / beginning of series)
Streamed live on May 9, 2019

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