God’s protection and mercy

Trevor P. sent in this Testimony of God’s protection and mercy; on 8/11/2019, @11:13 PM saying,

Hi Carol and Mike,


I was on my way home on a road that I have been down countless times and I came to the stoplight to turn right; and two younger boys on bikes were coming across the busy street on my left side.  So, in my haste to try and get out of the crosswalk; which I had pulled into to be able to see on coming traffic. I pulled out and ALMOST got hit by a big SUV; but they went up on the curb and avoided hitting me somehow. I was Surprised, by the that there was even a vehicle there and quickly corrected, but it was my fault and I was still protected; which sums up my life …lol.

God’s protection and mercy

My how God has been SO GRACIOUS TO ME through the years, over and over….After this happened I immediately thought and REALIZED how God  is STILL protecting me and I am amazed by his faithfulness and mercy towards me….
I believe God’s Word because of the many experiences that I know God has brought me through with SCRIPTURE..
And I know that listening to your teaching on protection came to mind after this Non-incident…

I am a fairly private person except for getting on YouTube because of many reasons but I appreciate your ministry and courage to get out there…
I need to get out of my comfort zone for the sake of others and I am sure God has plans for me in these last days because he has invested alot into me over my life but I am no special case or Whatever, I just know that JESUS LOVES ME and that is why I LOVE HIM…and long to bring Glory to His Name and Kingdom, Before I leave this Place…

What do you think?

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