Praying: Michelle Hood

Praying: Michelle Hood Submitted this on: Jun 25, 2019 @16:49 (4:49 pm).

Hey Carol, I told you I would let you know what is going on.

It has been a year now since the Lord revealed to me that we do not live on a spinning ball. It has been such an influx of information.
With all this new information, of course vaccines have become high priority. It is so important to me right now; because of my 4 year old daughter who was up to date.
A couple of weeks ago she had her 4 year old well visit and it was the first time I declined to get her vaccines. I asked her Doctor about the aborted fetal DNA and she had no idea, but kept saying they are safe.


When I left the office the devil started to attack me. I had so much fear. Evil thoughts kept coming in my head that I can’t share.
I prayed in tongues that night and felt peace about my decision.
It was amazing because the next day Mike was preaching on his channel about how no armies will come against you, which gave me courage.
Right now I am being led to do some fighting. I don’t know how that is going to play out whether it be through my words or just in prayer. I just wish that my husband can fight with me and honor my decisions since he is not saved. But at the end of the day the battle has already been fought and won through Jesus, so I have no more fear.
Michelle Hood

To read another testimony sent in by Michelle hood…click HERE

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