Gifts ~ Vicky

Message about receiving Gifts ~ Vicky sent this in on 3/26/19, @4:13 A.M.
Thank you Carol for your encouraging words.
I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days and would like to share a couple of things that have become stuck in my mind. You remember that my father paid off my mortgage a couple of years ago? Well, a few months after doing this, he came to stay with us for a few days, and coincidentally, while he was here, I had workmen over for repairs to my house. When my father arrived and saw the workmen, he said to me, “How much is this costing you?” and I told him. He replied, “I’m going to pay for this!” And do you know what i said to him? I said, “It’s OK Dad. I can afford it now, because you paid off my mortgage.”

As soon as I had said it, I realized that I had made a big mistake. He was offended. I didn’t expect that. He hadn’t spent five minutes in my house yet, and I had offended him. The visit was very strained after that. I thought he would be happy for me, and I guess I wanted him to force the money on me (because I’m too proud), but it caused a great setback in my relationship with him. I prayed to God to repair our relationship and slowly, but surely, he did. About a year and a half later he bought my daughter a flat and things have been better.

Gifts ~ Vicky

The second thing that I was thinking about was, strangely enough, the birth of Jesus.
A long time ago, I had heard a pastor say that the gifts that the wise men brought Jesus when he was born, were actually what financed them to be able to flee to Egypt and stay there until the danger was over.  Now, I was thinking, we don’t actually know the financial status of Mary and Joseph, and for all we know, they were quite wealthy. Joseph could have been a successful carpenter with a nice pot of savings set aside for a rainy day. However, when Joseph was warned by the angel to flee to Egypt, he could hardly go to the ATM to draw out his savings. God blessed him with the gifts that would help him and his family survive in a foreign country. Can you imagine Joseph being a proud man and saying “Hey guys. Thanks for all your love and support, but we’re doing fine.”?

Anyway, I hope I didn’t ramble on too much. It’s just that sometimes I feel like I have so much to say and no one to say it to. I thank God for saving my daughter so I can share things. And I have my online family with you guys, too, and learning a lot at the same time.
Lots of love and blessings to all.
Vicky Marinou

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