God really does want to bless

Vicky heard us say that, Yes……God really does want to bless her and this is Vicky’s response to this message. She wrote in on 3/21/2019, @1:41 PM.

God really does want to bless me

She writes,
Oh dear… I guess I did need to hear that although it was painful. I realize that God really does want to bless me and I make it difficult for him.
I’m a proud person when it comes to money. I’ve never allowed myself to even BORROW money and have been through a several hardships with my children because of it; (and my children remember it which breaks my heart now). I feel like my eyes have been opened. I HAVE made it difficult for God to bless me. I just sit quietly and ask God to bless me and then I don’t move at all and I realize that that is wrong. I need to change my mindset.

Also, this has brought to mind the fact that I have been praying to God for a fourfold return of things/money that has been stolen from me; (according to his word). I have literally had thousands stolen from me over the years; (especially recent years) from even close family members. And all I do is sit with a broken heart, saying that I choose to forgive those people, (even though it’s hard); but I stand on his word that because the enemy has been revealed; I will get it back fourfold or even seven-fold.

You are right. I don’t know how to receive because of my pride. This has been a lesson from the Lord more than a financial offering. I say this with tears in my eyes and will repent tonight.
God bless you both for this lesson…

Click here to read another one of Vicky’s testimonies that she has sent in

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