new beginning

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Have you been feeling like you have been in the desert and wandering through life? You know that God has great plans for you, but you have been going through trial after trial, still holding on to hope; all the while feelings of frustration, disappointment and past failures have tried to settle in your heart. Don’t let those things get to you. God only wants to promote and bless you. Even though this season in your life has been hard and it almost seemed like you were going to go under… You are not. Don’t give up. Your breakthrough is here. New beginnings are taking place.

God has been working for you behind the scenes and on your behalf this whole time. A lot of the things that you have been going through have been valid test and trials. God is not the one tempting you; but He watches to see what your responses are to test, trials and temptations that come your way. And while it has seemed that they have been more overwhelming and almost too much; you are coming out and over.

New Beginnings are happening for you and to you.

Today is a New day. God has plans and a path for you. Past mistakes and failure are covered by Jesus blood and these things can not hold you back from fulfilling all that God has for your life. If you will repent of any sins and mistakes and trust Him to lead you and allow Him to be in charge of your life AND if you will refuse to give up; then…You will see, that He can and will restore; all that was lost and taken from you. So, whether you let those things go because of sin or weakness or through ignorance of situations; God can and does restore, repair and replace that which was taken.

Therefore, Listen to His directions and watch how He unfolds His plans and purpose for your life. As you pay attention to His leading, guiding and directing you, you will see how quickly He takes you from where you are at right now, to where He needs for you to be. Watch and be expecting Great things and New things from Him. You will soon be able to look back and realize that He was, and is always Faithful to fulfill His Word to us if we will just trust and obey Him.

Much Love and Prayers Carol Helmick

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