new beginning


The understanding of the meaning of transition, and the impression of transition(ing) into new things; has been brought up; a lot lately; by the Lord. I know that He’s been talking to and expounding on these things, to many people; and has been trying to prepare His people for a HUGE overhaul and change(s); that is about to overtake this earth. This is why I know; that I am not the only one who has been sensing this urgency.

Concerning transition:

Believe me when I say, that many and I mean MANY of His people; are going to find themselves in a new place; where it happened so fast that their heads are still spinning from the suddennlies of it all. I for one, KNOW that my family and I are one of them. It is because of this urgency that there has been a deep desire to literally…GET READY FOR WHAT IS COMING NEXT!
He confirmed it, on May 8th, 2019 at 6:19 pm; while I had been spending some time praying in tongues. I’m still trying to formulated into words the rest of what He has said, so here is the Words that I heard and the rest of the explanation is still to come!!!

Words I heard:

Get Ready…Get Ready…Get Ready
Transition is going to happen fast.
You’re actually going to look back and ask, “How did we get here so fast?”
Do not look back to the former things; For what I am doing, is bringing you to A NEW BEGINNING.
For those former things were needed for the time.
 If you will stay focused on Me; you will watch; as I bring it to pass.
For what you are feeling; is the urgency to get MY THINGS DONE.
For this is not the time to slow down and to think too much.
Things are speeding up; because there is MUCH to get done!!!
So to you I say, Get Ready…Get Ready…Get Ready; for Heaven and earth will soon be operating as ONE!

Here is a link to a post I wrote 3 years ago; which talks about this very thing…called New Beginnings… dated August 25, 2016 .
Much Love, Grace and Peace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Carol

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