a glorious church


So excited, because its time again for another poem / Word release; “A Glorious Church”.  This one, is actually 1 of 3 that The Holy Spirit gave me on Sunday March 17, of 2013; at 3:25 pm.

My family and I had gotten back home from church and had only been home for a little while; I even still had my jacket on from service. 
While still meditating on the message; felt an urgency to go grab paper and pen and go sit down in my favorite chair. My heart was full of gratefulness, thankfulness and just awe; at God’s love, tender mercies and goodness. I began to feel it beginning to bubble up on the inside of me. Kinda felt like a belly laugh starting to come on. Because the rest of my family was in the living room with me; I quietly began to worship Him and praise Him.

Our Purpose

The meaning of what our purpose, as Christians and corporately, as His body we are supposed to be and look like; which is a glorious church; began to rise up within me, and it flowed out in the form of this poem; and so, here it is…

I hope this blesses you as much as it does me, because it stirs me up to be all that He has called me to be and do. We as His body have a greatness within us to carry out His will in this earth, if we would just allow Him to use us the way He wants to. By walking in our full potential we will be able to reach all, for Jesus / Gospel’s sake and it’s my heart’s desire to do my part to please my Heavenly Father and loving on all who come my way. Showing them Jesus in everything I do and say. Blessings to you in Jesus Name. Carol

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